Props to Include in Your Senior Session

Adding props in your senior photos can elevate your photos, showcase your personality, and they’re just fun!! Here are some of my favorite props to include in senior photos:


Vintage Chairs

Vintage chairs add such a fun pop to photos!! Adding in a chair allows you to get an even bigger variety of poses and the chairs are so unique. Ask your photographer if they have any chairs that you can use or scope out some local garage sales to find one (that’s where I’ve found all of mine)!


Your senior photos are all about you so feel free to include any instruments you play or anything from your favorite hobby!! It will be so incredible to look back at these photos in 50 years and see what you enjoyed doing the most, captured in these photos. Adding instruments and hobbies in your photos also makes your photos unique to you! It can truly make your photos more special.


Flower Bouquets

I LOVE a good flower bouquet!! Especially if you’re wanting summer photos, adding bouquets into your photos gives them an even bigger summer flare! They elevate your photos and make them look more thought out. There’s so many different fun things we can do with flowers bouquets too! You can customize the colors you want to match your outfit, to add a pop of color, or to stand out. So so cute!



Don’t leave your dog/pet at home!! Including your dog in your senior photos is so so much fun and the memories are irreplaceable. Having great professional photos with your best friend, especially during such an important time in your life, is indescribable. No matter what your pet is, please feel free to bring them! If you want to include your dog in your photos I’ll give you some tips for your session day to make the process super easy!!



I guess you could say hats aren’t technically a prop because they’re part of an outfit… but I like to categorize them as a prop because we can do so much with them!! They allow for poses you wouldn’t be able to do without one, which adds variety to your photos. We can throw your hat around, you can hold it, wear it like normal, or whatever you’d like! You don’t have to wear a hat in all of your photos, it’s fun to bring it along for a couple!



If you’re involved in any sport, it’s super easy to bring along your varsity jacket, sports equipment, or any other school/sport related items to add personality to your photos and to customize them furthermore. We can go to a baseball field, tennis court, football field, etc., and do your photos there to personalize them even more too! It’s so easy to grab sports equipment to include it in a couple of photos.



Honestly, you can bring anything you want to your senior session!! Have an impressive shoe collection you want to show off? Bring it! Love to read? Bring a stack of books! Do you enjoy painting? Bring your art supplies! Your senior session is all about YOU so you can bring whatever props you would like!! Try to envision your dream session and see if there’s any props included. These two sessions below included super fun props! The session on the left was a misty day so the umbrella was perfect and it looks so cute! The session on the right was a hot summer day and it’s a perfect 70s vibe! You can do whatever your heart desires for your photos!


Chat with your photographer and see if they have any props they recommend bringing! You can throw out any ideas to your photographer and I’m sure they’d be more than happy to accommodate them! Remember, try to make your senior pictures unique to you to show off your personality!